Jesus’ description of the Last
Judgment has a bunch of clueless people standing before the throne of God
asking what happened. Some of them are
being led by the angels into paradise and some of them are being herded in the
opposite direction, and all of them – those who are blessed and those who are
condemned – all say the same thing: “When did we see you, Lord?”
group ever realized the deeper connection that underlies all human
interactions. None of them ever seems to
have stopped to wonder whether when they dealt with someone bearing God’s image
they might not also be dealing directly with God. All the same, he was there, whether they knew
it or not. Some of them never realized
it because they were too busy caring about themselves, so that they never had
the time (or probably even the inclination) to look into anyone else’s eyes and
see Jesus looking back. Some of them
never realized it because they were too busy trying to help the person in front
of them – but for those people there is hope.
course, best of all is to be doing good because we do know that Christ is above
all and in all and through all. As
Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote,
“…Christ plays in ten thousand
Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes
not his
To the Father through the features
of men’s faces.”
we learn that in the ugliest moments of human life. We learn it where there is hunger and
loneliness and fear and sickness.
Central Africa and West Africa have
been through terrible times in the past few decades. Ethnic feuds have turned into civil wars and
civil wars have sent refugees in all directions, destabilizing otherwise calm
nations. Criminals have taken advantage
of the chaos, and the chaos has led normally law-abiding people to become
criminals. Add the occasional outbreak
of ebola into the mix, and the friction between Christianity and Islam, and you
have serious turmoil.
In the midst of that, among all the
horror stories, we keep hearing accounts of people who are doing things like
building orphanages and schools, simply because there are children around who
need to be taken care of. No, not
everyone reacts this way. But some
do. We hear about doctors and nurses and
ambulance drivers who cared for people desperately and dangerously sick, simply
because the sick cannot take care of themselves. We hear about people sharing their food and
their houses with strangers on the run from war, just because they can see on
their faces and in their eyes that there is a need that only time will change
and they want to buy them the time if they can.
That is time for God to do the real work.
It is a gift that the Christians of
the Congo are able to focus on the needs of the people around them, needs both
physical and spiritual. It is a gift
that they have been teaching specifically to us, and by “us” I mean United
Methodist Christians in Eastern Pennsylvania, specifically those of us right
here today.
Every quarter, we take half the
loose offering that is in the plate on Sunday morning and designate it for a
mission project, local or national or global.
This quarter our giving, and all of the giving on Ash Wednesday, will go
to help the eye clinic in Mpasa, Congo, and we are joined in that giving by the
other churches in Delaware and Montgomery and Chester Counties that make up our
South District.
We’re going to watch a video that
was put together to promote support for that work, but I don’t want anybody to
watch it in that spirit this morning. I
want to watch it, instead, simply as a witness to what the Lord has done and
what the Lord is doing at this very moment, in and through his people.
“Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and
gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it
that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you
clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited
you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it
to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to
me.” [Matthew 25:37-40]