Friday, April 14, 2017

"Peter Speaks" - April 14, 2017

“Peter Speaks”
Good Friday
April 12, 2017

            He told me this would happen.  “Three times,” he said, “three times you’ll deny me.”  He was right.  Oh, Jesus, how did you know?  How did you know that?

            I tried, I really did, to follow him.  That’s what he said to do.  The very first day, that’s what he said, “Follow me.”  And I followed.  I went everywhere with him.  I left my wife, I left my home, I left the business, everything, and followed. 

            I even followed him after they carried him off  -- I tried to stop them, but he wouldn’t let me.  “Put your sword away,” he said.  And they took him.  And I followed.  But how far should I have to go?  They’re killing him.  Right now.  They’re killing him.  Do you know what it means to have your hands nailed to a cross, your arms ripped out by your own weight? 

            I couldn’t.  I just couldn’t.  When they recognized me, when that girl recognized me in the courtyard, I didn’t run.  I stayed.  I stayed as long as I could, but then they started closing in.

            Oh, Jesus!  Friend!  I’m sorry.  They’re killing you right now, and I’m not there.  But if I stayed?  You understand.  I would be nailed up there with you, or maybe dead already.  I couldn’t do that.  My wife, my home – I left them once.  They need me now.  Okay, you need me too… but what can I do?  You were a dead man from the moment that they took you.

            I had to save myself.  I tried to save you, but I didn’t get the chance, or when I did, you messed it up.  “Put your sword away!”  What are you, crazy?  Have I been following a crazy man?  Maybe I really didn’t know you, even when I thought I knew who you are.  “You are the Christ,” I said, “the Son of the living God.”  How could I have been so wrong?  The Christ would not get crucified.  How could he?  God would never let that happen.

            Oh, but you’re still my friend.  And you did all those miracles and things.  How did this happen?

            I should be with you there.  But here I am, the way you told me it would go.  “Three times you will deny me.”  And now I’ll never see you, never hear your voice again.

            You knew that this is what would happen.  You tried to warn us. 

But if you knew, then why?  Why didn’t you just stay away?

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